Multipaper Session presented at AEA 2013 #2013Conference #evidencebasedprograms #HealthEvaluation #HumanServicesEvaluation
Session 970 Building the Evidence Base for TPP.pdf
A CDC example of the use of the ISF to promote science-based approaches to teen pregnancy prevention using Getting To Outcomesยฎ will be described
aea-cdc 2010 draft 6-11-10.ppt
The context of providing and evaluating social service programs is complex, including a set of stakeholders with differing and potentially conflicting values. As evaluation is most often used to determine "quality, value, or importance" of a social service program, it is appropriate to ask ...
The panel addresses the major components in the cycle of developing evidence-based policy and practice. The synthesis method, the core methodology to aggregate findings for evidence-based practice reviews, is defined and various types of syntheses will be compared. Using results from synthesis...
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See matching library entry files - Interactive Systems Framework for Dissemination ...
Panel presented at the 2013 AEA Conference Chair and Discussant: Suzanne Markoe Hayes Presenters: Frances Reyes, Krystal Gibson, and Bree Hemingway #InternalEvaluation #database #realtiimemonitoring #MixedMethodsEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Non...
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See matching library entry files - Real-Time Monitoring Recommendations Girls Inc. ...
This session will explain how the public policy process works. It will guide evaluators through the maze of policy processes, such as legislation, regulations, administrative procedures, budgets, re-organizations, and goal setting. It will provide practical advice on how evaluators can become...
How to Influence Policy 10-10-13.pptx
When the David and Lucile Packard Foundation awarded a grant to implement and strengthen nonprofit networks, it was part of a larger philanthropic inquiry: Could knowing how networks connect, share, and mobilization teach foundations how to be more effective sponsors of community change? How...
AEA 2010 Evaluating Networks.ppt
During the previous 6 years, Communities In Schools (CIS), an education nonprofit with nearly 200 affiliates across the United States, created a Total Quality System (TQS) of standards to achieve uniform quality in business practice and program implementation across the CIS network. To ensure...
AEA Conference 2013 Poster.pdf
AEA announces its 2012 awards recipients #AEAawards #OutstandingEvaluation #Lazarsfeld #2012Conference #Communications #Myrdal #Guttentag
#2009Conference #SpecialNeedsPopulations #adolescent-parenting-programs #evaluation-settings #HumanServicesEvaluation #Evaluation2009 #context
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See matching library entry files - Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs Alicia R...