Recognizing the need for local stakeholders to conduct their own evaluations, USAID Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP) in Bauchi and Sokoto state, Northern Nigeria adopted the LQAS technique to empower MDAs to monitor health outcomes. This presentation will discuss how local stakeholders were trained and involved in carrying out household survey including conducting manual tabulation and data analysis, and data use using the LQAS technique
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Drawing on the evaluation of Afghanistan In-service Teacher Training Program, I discuss how values of donors (such as USAID and World Bank) differ from the values of local stakeholders (such as parents, teachers, and education officers) on teachers’ needs, setting program priorities, defining evaluation criteria, and the merit and worth of the program
AEA Presentation- 2011-PDF.pdf
Lessons learned for evaluators include the importance of communication with project researchers to understand the day-to-day implementation issues that could potentially bias analytic findings, the challenges around access to student-level data to create propensity-score matched samples when random assignment is not possible, the use of descriptive data and graphical representations to improve clarity of the findings to local stakeholders, and documenting implementation issues throughout the study to guide researchers in improving implementation in future years
Its approach is to build a partnership with local stakeholders and communities to add value to on-going activities
AEA conference presentation framing roundtable discussion, drawing upon key lessons from the field with accountability to communities. Presenters included Kristin Helz with American Red Cross, Mununuri Musori with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and...
AtC AEA Presentation 13Nov2015.pdf
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), a partnership of international agencies has the mandate to finance improvements in the global environment. Agencies work in partnership and with local and international governments and organizations. Reforms at the GEF led its Council to request the...
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