A 2010 study on TORs and RFPs issued by international development organizations found that rigid evaluation terms of reference (TORs) or requests for proposals (RFP) limit evaluators’ ability to determine (i) the best approach and methodology for given evaluation problem and (ii) the most feasible procedures for implementing the evaluation under given (and often unknown) timelines and budgets
SROI is centered on beneficiary engagement where project stakeholders identify outcomes and the relative values of those outcomes. International development programs often struggle to understand the value of their work to those the serve and donors are increasingly asking for evidence of this value through various cost-effectiveness measures. In 2015, Pact began piloting SROI across four projects in different international development impact areas: health, peacebuilding, livelihoods, and civil society strengthening. Varying in scope and scale, each panelist presented their experience utilizing the SROI methodology in an international development context, including why they chose SROI as the evaluation methodology, how they implemented the study, successes experienced, challenges encountered, lessons learned, and the key findings
SROI panel AEA Pact 29 Oct 2016 external.pdf
This presentation was one of four in a panel called "Strategy as Evaluand: Quality and Utilization Issues in Evaluating Strategy" at the 2010 AEA conference, chaired by Michael Quinn Patton. The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is a Canadian crown corporation that supports research in developing countries
AEA 2010 Tricia Wind Strategy Evaluation.pdf
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This Evaluation 2009 presentation (session 406) offers 14 practical suggestions for improving short-term international development evaluations, especially regarding the use of interviews, document reviews, secondary analysis, and site visits
A slide show to present the Heifer Impact Evaluation Model, lessons learned from its application in the past five years, and a reflection about its relevance to the field of international development as an alternative to experimental designs.Heifer International has reached millions of families in 125 countries providing training and livestock to help people improve their livelihood
Chianca - Heifer Impact Eval.pdf
Oxfam's Aid Effectiveness Initiative is developing with positivie results a MEL system which tracks how concepts of country ownership of US foreign aid are entering the discourse of USG policy makers and influentials in the international development community; and how their positions shift over time
Poster abstract: International development evaluators, researchers and donors are increasingly using systematic reviews to expand the evidence base to guide and improve the design of development interventions
AEA Poster_Iceberg on Designing non academic systematic review.jpg
The experts share the tips for ToC analysis in international development using UNEP, WWF, Oxfam and other evaluations
AIMS presentation_AEA 2016_final.pptx
POSTER: The Advocacy for Better Health Project is a five-year initiative (June 2014–May 2019) funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) with an estimated budget of US$20 million
Designing evaluation indicators to assess the impact of policy.pdf
International development addresses problems that reach across borders and affect millions of people, requiring broadly applicable tools that can be sustainably applied across sectors
MSI's Scaling in Evaluations - AEA 2013- FINAL-ext.pptx