Skill-Building Workshop #764 held on Friday, November 4, from 4:30-6:00 pm in Capistrano A. There is no such thing as a perfect evaluation! Most evaluations are fraught with challenges, yet a thoughtful evaluator can navigate these challenges successfully, preventing some and resolving others as...
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This is the powerpoint presentation of "From the Individual to the Environmental-Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking" from Session 974: Working With Youth Populations: Challenges and Successes in Evaluation. This presentation outlined the...
Selecting, Implementing & Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking.pptx
Presentation material for AEA Session 392, November 11, 2010, 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm #and #EvaluationUse #2010Conference #ICE #NW
There are many added challenges to overcome when implementing evaluations in a Third World context, ranging from technological to cultural
In most cases, implementation evaluations focus on the extent to which EBPs are implemented with fidelity to their original models
Beyond Fidelity II.pdf
Additional examples of ways to use the ISF in planning, implementation, evaluation, and overall program design will also be described
aea-cdc 2010 draft 6-11-10.ppt