In January, 2009, AEA began a transition to a new form of governance for the Board, policy- based governance (PBG). AEA was experiencing a period of rapid growth in members, programs, and directions, and policy-based governance was viewed as a desirable model that could enable the Board to...
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Fair Food Network completed an evaluation of its Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) incentive program for 2011. This report, part of a three-year evaluation, is assessing DUFB's effectiveness in leveraging federal SNAP resources to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables for shoppers on federal...
Conclusions excerpted from 2011 Healthy Food Incentives Cluster Evaluation Report 2011 - full report available December 2012 at
FFN_HFICE 2011 Conclusions.pdf
Need to develop evaluation reports that are useful, user-friendly and used? Join Tamara Walser as she outlines a process for developing evaluation reports that tell the story of your evaluation results in ways that are clear, concise, and compelling
Evaluation 2010 Session #535: Teaching About Specific Aspects of Evaluation *This is a one-page handout created for my presentation. #evaluation #2010Conference #Reports #TeachingofEvaluation
Panel 272 - Mainstreaming Evaluation in Diverse Organizational Contexts, Paper #4 - Working Backwards: Using the Evaluation Report to Write Evaluation Questions This paper traces the development of an evaluation framework for the U.S
Working Backwards Using the Evaluation Report to Write Evaluation Questions.ppt
The Building Informal Science Education (BISE) project coded 520 evaluation reports posted to
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This is the PowerPoint presentation being used at this session. #Instruments #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #Reporting #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference
AEA Presentation.ppt
This PowerPoint presentation was presented at the 2010 AEA Conference in San Antonio (Panel Session 891) by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, LFA Group: Learning for Action, and jcdPartnerships. It describes how evaluation was integrated into a pilot project, led by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, through...
Thinking Outside of the Evaluation Report Box_Creating a Structural Change Grantmaking Resource Gu.ppt
DVR Session 1 from Eval 2014, DVR TIG, use of geographic information systems (GIS) in evaluation and evaluation reporting. #DVR #DataVisualizationandReporting #Eval2014 #GIS
GIS in evaluation-Chesnut, Johnson, Hitchcock, Moss.pptx