A 2010 study on TORs and RFPs issued by international development organizations found that rigid evaluation terms of reference (TORs) or requests for proposals (RFP) limit evaluators’ ability to determine (i) the best approach and methodology for given evaluation problem and (ii) the most...
Assessing student outcomes based on standardized test scores and administrative student records is challenging under the best of circumstances. This presentation will address these challenges of data collection and management in a multi-year, multi-school district random assignment evaluation of...
This paper presents the multi-pronged and evolving approach for improving evaluation quality and its challenges in the African Development Bank (AfDB). It also brings out the key evaluation quality drivers; proposes the need for enhanced mixed methods approach and institutional changes in...
AEA2010-Evaluation Quality (AfDB-FT).pptx
The Missouri Foundation for Health currently funds an evaluation of a multi-site obesity prevention initiative. Grantees implement physical activity and healthy eating projects in rural and urban settings in Missouri. This study examines the differences in the number of, diversity of, and...
AEA 2012 Poster 106_Does rurality matter in partnership development.pdf
This Evaluation 2009 presentation (session 406) offers 14 practical suggestions for improving short-term international development evaluations, especially regarding the use of interviews, document reviews, secondary analysis, and site visits
A paper presentation at the AEA 2013 Conference - an introduction to InDEC (Indonesian Development Evaluation Community for building the evaluation field in Indonesia
B.D.Stepantoro - AEA2013 Paper Presentation - Building Evaluation Field in Indonesia.pptx
Session was titled: New Frontiers in International Development Evaluation: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Evaluating Online Communities of Practice. Presentation Abstract: The International Program of Development Evaluation (IPDET) is an international evaluation capacity building program, sponsored by the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank and Carleton University, which has been operating since 2001 and has had almost 3000 participants from 105 countries around the world
AEA 2011.pptx
Slides from each of three presenters: Tracy Hobson: CAAV description; Role of evaluation in program and fund development; Evaluation partnership Anita Baker: Evaluation design, evaluation partnership Jamie Bassell: First year findings, features and challenges; how CAAV has provided a meaningful real-world evaluation learning opportunity #nonprofit #Lesbian,Gay,BisexualandTransgenderIssues #DiversityandInclusion #2012Conference #CenterforAntiViolenceEducation #Movingtarget
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As part of a collaborative mixed-method evaluation of Michigan's Integrated Improvement Initiatives and Center for Educational Networking (MI3-CEN), network analysis was used to characterize current patterns of collaboration in shared function areas among key network partners, and to identify opportunities for strategic development. Evaluation goals and methods were collaboratively identified by MI3-CEN network staff and evaluators
AEA Presentation 2011 10-28-111.pptx
Poster abstract: International development evaluators, researchers and donors are increasingly using systematic reviews to expand the evidence base to guide and improve the design of development interventions
AEA Poster_Iceberg on Designing non academic systematic review.jpg