The second presentation summarizes preliminary findings from an evaluation of the Chronic Disease Management Information System and suggests future enhancements
She joined CDC in 1990 as Chief of the Surveillance and Evaluation Research Branch in the Division of Adolescent and School Health, and, for the past four years, served as Director of CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, directing a diverse portfolio of programmatic and scientific initiatives across ten Divisions
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Individual Presentation Titles/Abstracts: * Discovering Factors Associated with Increased Use of Evaluation Among State Asthma Partnerships by A Perkins - Partnerships are valuable resources in chronic disease management
6 attachments
See matching library entry files - Perkins, PhD Scimetrika Contractor National Asth...
PowerPoint presentation for "Examples From the Field: Applying Theories of Collaboration and Communities of Practice", Saturday (11/14) 11:50-12:35 session. #2009Conference #Evaluation2009 #ProgramTheoryandTheoryDrivenEvaluation
AEA - Outcome-based Approach to Evaluate Collaborative Efforts 11-4-09.ppt
Sessions related to Integrating Technology into Evaluation TIG #CenterstoneResearchInstitute #mobileapps
Paper and powerpoint from the conference presentation by the same name at the AEA conference 2013 , Washington D.C. #2013Conference #HealthEvaluation #REAIM
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See matching library entry files - New York State Department of Health – Division o...
Poster presentation from the 2013 AEA Conference on the use of extensive data on a 10 year fellowship program. #2013Conference #publichealth #fellowship
See matching library entry files - Program areas include Chronic Disease...
PowerPoint presentation for this presentation #2009Conference #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #Evaluation2009
Abstract: In the current political and economic climate, funding for public health programs and program technical assistance and support services, such as assistance interpreting evaluation data, are diminishing. In order for grantees to continue to perform at a level at which they can...
AEAFinal CBA POSTER2012.pdf
Presentation given at the annual Conference 2012. Presentation Abstract: Public health practice is grounded on evidence-informed practice. However, efforts to bring evidence to practice (usually referred to as knowledge transfer and exchange or KTE) are hampered by disparate views on evidence...
A Framework for Evaluating Knowledge Transfer and Exchange v3.pptx