This document focuses on the effects of question order in survey development. Copyright 2001 The Pennsylvania State University #HowTo #ExtensionEducationEvaluation #Survey
Tipsheet 1.pdf
This document focuses on the effects of question order in survey development. Copyright 2005 The Pennsylvania State University #Impact #HowTo #ExtensionEducationEvaluation
Tipsheet 71.pdf
The NYC Leadership Academy provides coaching to principals throughout the New York City Department of Education. This presentation describes an effort to evaluate the impact of this coaching through the development and use of an online survey of principals' leadership behaviors from both the...
AEA 2013 Session 67 Shauna Clarke and Michael Long ICF International #InterviewingStrategies #2013Conference #Interviews #CognitiveInterviews #QualitativeMethods #SurveyDevelopment #HowTo
Digging Deeper Using Cognitive Interviewing to Identify and Resolve Data Collection Problems.pdf
Conference presentation on the process of internal evaluation at a transdisciplinary research center. Presentation Abstract: This session will present the development of an internal evaluation regarding faculty involvement in a transdisciplinary research center. As part of the Center for...
AF Presentation_AEA2012.pdf
MISO (Maximizing the Impact of STEM Outreach through Data-driven Decision-Making) is a campus-wide project funded by the National Science Foundation, housed at North Carolina State University, a land-grant university. This project seeks to determine the collective STEM (Science, Technology,...
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See matching library entry files - Objectives 15 Survey Development...
The purpose of this presentation is to describe recent efforts among practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers to improve school mental health practice by fostering evaluation capacity among one group of school mental providers in one state. Specifically, this presentation will highlight the...
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See matching library entry files - University of Missouri Department of Elementary ...
Materials: Presentation and Handout Abstract: Evaluation capacity development in organizations often focuses on the needed infrastructures and systems, such as communications, human skills and abilities, and organizational cultures. This paper uses a backward mapping strategy to first identify...
See matching library entry files - Given this fact, some cores have found benefit i...
Session Description: There is a lot to know when constructing a productive survey. Participants will be reminded of what they already know and will learn many non-obvious but critical considerations as they draft a survey relating to their field of interest. The principles underlying valid,...
See matching library entry files - Angelika Pohl No item resp...
Round Table #564 In an ongoing program to support character development in middle schools, students are asked to complete the Character in Action Survey measuring perspectives on school climate, character development, and relevant faculty behaviors. Approximately 2200 students from 8 middle...
School Climate in Middle Schools.pdf