Case study methodologies (Yin and Stake) and the Success Case Method (Brinkerhoff) are key approaches to exploring in depth and detail how the CTSA infrastructure supports improvement in clinical and translational research
Bates Johnson Success Case Study AEA 12 a.pptx
Slides for "Communicating Success Case Studies in Complex Organizations" (includes presentation notes) Abstract: Success case studies can be an effective way to identify underlying patterns, relationships, and dynamics that lead to program success or failure. Identifying successful cases is...
AEA Communicating Success Case Studies public elibrary henderson.pptx
This paper provides a case study of the use of the Cynefin framework in evaluation planning. The Cynefin framework is a systems thinking tool that can be used to describe evaluation situations. The framework describes four types of dynamics and corresponding types of inquiry. The paper...
Cynefin Case Example aea2010.pdf
Evaluators need techniques to quickly return information and useful insights to the program; particularly early in an evaluation where this can significantly increase the social capital of the evaluator in the eyes of those who can influence evaluation use. Two rapid techniques are discussed. ...
AEA 2009 Rapid Response Presentation 2.ppt
An evaluation’s findings may be more relevant, credible, and useful when a wide range of stakeholders are involved in developing its guiding questions. In this practical guide, FSG notes that soliciting input from stakeholders early in the evaluation design process addresses specific stakeholder...