#CampusSafety #eval14 #NeedsA #Crime #2014Conference #GIS #dataviz #GeographicInformationSystems
AEA 2014 Campus Safety - Data Visualization 101014 mmf notes.pdf
As part of a panel discussion on Agency Level Measurements – Can they be Used to Evaluate Organizational Impact? (with Pact, Save the Children, and CRS). Mercy Corps examines its experience with Mission Metrics - an agency-level measurement system in use for 3 years and discontinued as of 2013....
Agency Level Measurement - AEA 2014.pptx
Presentation by François Dumaine on the professional designations program. #Evaluation2009
preRumbles from the North_CES_V1.ppt
Citation: Condo, Jenna and Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2006). TITLE: Tipsheet #85, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research and developed by Nancy Ellen Kiernan at...
Tipsheet 85.pdf
Presentation made by Hubert Paulmer at the AEA 2009 Conference, Orlando FL on November 12, 2009, #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #organizational #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #sustainability ...
AEA 2009 Presentation-Nov12 - Hubert Paulmer.pdf
This article looks at the potential role for large corporations to assist in the delivery of new ideas. Internal and external entrepreneurs and inventors struggle to fund and launch new ideas that can be of benefit to all mankind and our Earth. Large corporations on the other hand have access to...
No Innovation without Corporate Sponsorship.doc
AEA 2015 Conference Presentation (Session 2036) by Volunteers of America Los Angeles #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #InternalEvaluation #VOALA #HumanServicesEvaluation #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2015Conference #2015AEAConference
3 attachments
See matching library entry files - • Dashboards are most effective if it fits the p...
The world's second largest economy, China, is also home to the second most number of billionaires. Only the U.S. has more. China's miraculous growth in wealth in recent decades has not only lifted millions out of poverty, but it has also led to the growth of the ultra-wealthy and consequently,...
See matching library entry files - Encourage officials of good will both at MoCA an...
Legislation and policy are valuable strategies for social change, since these population-based interventions often outlast funding and program cycles. As a result, policies and governance documents are adopted and implemented in typical evaluation contexts, including health, education and human...
See matching library entry files - Code example anti-bullying policy Compare wordin...
While there are many components to any evaluation, perhaps none is more visible to clients than the practice of making recommendations. Yet, as a field, we have virtually no empirical understanding of how recommendations are used and what impact they have on programs and outcomes. This means, as...