This demonstration explains the concepts of multiple membership and cross-classification and demonstrates the use of a multilevel modeling software package (MLwiN) to account for these data structures in analyzing repeated measures data
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Session Description From 2010 Summer Evaluation Institute Description: We will focus on a variety of methods for analyzing change in outcomes over time, including the traditional fixed effects methods of pre/posttest ANCOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA; the slopes-as-outcomes individual regression analysis approach; and multilevel modeling and random coefficients models
Analyzing Change.ppt
Presentation prepared by Tom Crea, Boston College, for panel 289; quantitative survey results measuring the relationship between organizational factors and perceptions of program implementation at two sites #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign ...
The purpose of this evaluation was to estimate the effect of TFA corps members and TFA alumni on Texas student mathematics and reading scores as measured by the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) exam in Texas in the 2010-11 school year. Using propensity score matching to create...
See matching library entry files - Evaluation of Teach For America in Texas Schools...