Informed by implementation science, the presenters developed and implemented a curriculum implementation assessment to examine the extent to which an early childhood home visitation program in Pima County, Arizona implements a parenting education curriculum with fidelity
Developing a Curriculum Implementation Assessment to Examine Model Fidelity_10-17-2014.pdf
Assessing implementation provides important information regarding program feasibility, interpretation of program outcomes, and program theory. Implementation assessment is of particular importance in practical or real-world settings, which lack the control of clinical trials or laboratory settings. Five fundamental issues identified in literature are presented in the form of decisions evaluators make when planning implementation assessment. Fundamental decisions include (1) a theoretical approach of fidelity or adaptation; (2) a focus on delivery or receipt; (3) measurement of quantity, quality, or structure; (4) consideration of implementation globally or of specific program components; and (5) systematic manipulation of implementation or naturalistic observation
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