2016 AEA 90 minute skill building workshop #2016Conference #ResearchonEvaluation #DataQuality
AEA 2016_Data Quality skill building session.pdf
This slideset was used for my presentation in AEA 2009 Session 484 on Friday, November 13. Please contact me with any questions and feedback you may have! #2009Conference #Data #Evaluation2009 #evaluation #Process #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #Tuberculosis ...
AEA 2009 - Building Program Capacity for Evaluating National Tuberculosis Surveillance Data Quality.ppt
In this demonstration, we will introduce attendees to a participatory method of presenting findings that engages program implementers in a reflective process that highlights the importance of data quality. We will explain our approach, provide examples of materials, and demonstrate key activities
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See matching library entry files - We can say that the changes identified occurred ...
This paper describes our experience in collecting, storing, analyzing, and reporting this information during the past three years: 2008: Developing a system for collecting, entering, cleaning, and analyzing indicator data; using multiple channels of communication between our headquarters and field offices. 2009: Getting definitions right; improving field-level ownership of data; streamlining communication with a single headquarters communication channel; explaining GI trends. 2010: Developing dashboards (online tools that show real-time performance and progress on key indicators) for communication of data quality issues; improving accountability for data timeliness and accuracy; comparing our internal program GIs with external data sources
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See matching library entry files - Definitions and Dashboards at Room to Read: ......D...
One school jurisdiction chose the online medium and was not able to provide in-kind support, which resulted in poor response rate and data quality. The findings suggested that support from school stakeholders to facilitate survey data collection was the key factor for good response rate and data quality, not survey media
Stephenson AEA 2011 Presentation.pdf
The materials suggest strategies for obtaining and securing personally identifiable information, merging datasets without common identifiers, and overcoming common data quality issues with longitudinal datasets
See matching library entry files - Department of Education’s Privacy Technical Assi...
Finally, we created practices and protocols to sustain data quality, use, and accuracy
Strategic Planning Dashboard Case Study handout.pdf
The panel also will discuss lessons about the supports and barriers to building a large scale measurement system such as the need for appropriate assessment approaches for accountability measurement with young children and the importance of procedures for improving data quality. #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #2011Conference #Accountability #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations #federalpolicy #SystemsinEvaluation #DataVisualizationandReporting #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #earlyintervention #childoutcomes
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See matching library entry files - One indication of data quality ...
This document includes the four presentations that were delivered in this panel on Federally-funded multi-site behavioral health evaluations that focused on (1) conceptual approaches and issues, (2) implementation and data collection, (3) data management, and (4) data analysis and reporting....
Eval12 Session 909 - Presented 10-27-12.pdf
The New Directions volume (Birnbaum, Matthew and Per Mickwitz (ed.) 2009: Environmental Program and Policy Evaluation: Addressing Methodological Challenges, New Directions for Evaluation 123) is reviewed from the perspective of topics covered, concept of evaluand and the likely utility of the...
Review of Environmental Program and Policy Evaluation v2.ppt