AEA 2013 Session 67 Shauna Clarke and Michael Long ICF International #InterviewingStrategies #2013Conference #Interviews #CognitiveInterviews #QualitativeMethods #SurveyDevelopment #HowTo
Digging Deeper Using Cognitive Interviewing to Identify and Resolve Data Collection Problems.pdf
A short introduction to the practice of cognitive interviewing with the addition of verbal probes related to context. #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference #Pretesting #Survey #HowTo #Cognitive #Interview
Using Context to Evaluate Survey Items.ppt
Here are the slides from my presentation on website evaluation at AEA 2011. There are links to online resources at the end. The presentation focuses on websites, rather than services delivered online (such as counselling over the internet) which might be the subject of another paper. I...
Website Evaluation AEA 2011 ForUpload.pdf