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American Statistical Organization
Bates, N, and DeMaio, TJ, (2010) Classifying Relationship and Marital Status among Same-Sex Couples,
The link above will bring you to a web page with the proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section. Click on the year 2010, and wait for the (your) right frame to populate with the table of contents. When it does, click in the (your) right frame and press Control +f. This will generate a Find dialogue box. You can search by author’s last name or by “lgbt”. This will bring you to the hyperlink for the article. Click on the hyperlink and you will have the article on screen which can be downloaded to your computer or printed out.
The Williams Institute of UCLA
Estimating Populations of Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Southern United States
November 2009
Population estimates of men who have sex with men (MSM) by state and race/ethnicity are lacking, hampering effective HIV epidemic monitoring and targeting of outreach and prevention efforts. We created three models to estimate the proportion and number of adult males who are MSM in 17 southern states. Model A used state-specific census data stratified by rural/suburban/urban area and national estimates of the percentage MSM in corresponding areas. Model B used a national estimate of the percentage MSM and state-specific household census data. Model C partitioned the statewide estimates by race/ethnicity. Statewide Models A and B estimates of the percentages MSM were strongly correlated (r = 0.74; r-squared = 0.55; p < 0.001) and had similar means (5.82% and 5.88%, respectively) and medians (5.5% and 5.2%, respectively). The estimated percentage MSM in the South was 6.0% (range 3.6–13.2%; median, 5.4%). The combined estimated number of MSM was 2.4 million, including 1,656,500 (69%) whites, 339,400 (14%) blacks, 368,800 (15%) Hispanics, 34,600 (1.4%) Asian/Pacific Islanders, 7,700 (0.3%) American Indians/Alaska Natives, and 11,000 (0.5%) others. The estimates showed considerable variability in state-specific racial/ethnic percentages MSM. MSM population estimates enable better assessment of community vulnerability, HIV/AIDS surveillance, and allocation of resources. Data availability and computational ease of our models suggest other states could similarly estimate their MSM populations.
Best Practices for Asking Questions about Sexual Orientation on Surveys
November 2009
This report presents the findings from a multi-year effort of an expert panel of scholars, the Sexual Minority Assessment Research Team (SMART) to identify the best practices for asking questions about sexual orientation on surveys.
Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders of Color Sampling Methodology: Strategies for Collecting Data in Small, Hidden, or Hard-to-Reach Groups To Reduce Tobacco-Related Health Disparities
December 2008
This report is a collaboration of the LGBTs of Color Sampling Methodology meeting group. It summarizes the meeting format and content, provides a brief overview of the problem of tobacco use among LGBT and racial and ethnic minorities, and makes recommendations to help eliminate tobacco-related health disparities. This meeting report distills the joint discussions and lessons learned from some of the most advanced researchers in this challenging field. This knowledge and the recommendations of the meeting participants provide invaluable resources to assist policymakers, funders, and researchers. Through this work, the larger body of knowledge on racial/ethnic health disparities, LGBT health, and rare population research will be commensurately enriched.