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Eval12 Session 766: Participatory Evaluation in Global Youth Projects - Successes and Challenges in Storytelling Methodologies 

10-29-2012 11:53

Full slides from presentation at Eval 2012. Soledad Muniz of InsightShare and Kristina Pearson of Village Earth discuss their successes and challenges in implementing participatory evaluations for youth, using participatory video and variations on Most Significant Change to encourage youth to tell their own stories. Two examples—of InsightShare's participatory video monitoring project in Guatemala and Village Earth's oral storytelling evaluation in Romania and Moldova—show that evaluators do not need to compromise rigor in order to get rich qualitative data that speak to the effects of programs on youth, their attitudes and behaviors, and their communities. Presentation Abstract: How do you maintain rigor while capturing deep change in youth for projects that seek to increase their capacity, skills, and positive attitudes? Panelists discuss their successes and challenges in implementing participatory evaluations for youth, using participatory video and variations on Most Significant Change to encourage youth to tell their own stories. Two examples—of InsightShare's participatory video evaluation in Guatemala and Village Earth's oral storytelling evaluation in Romania and Moldova—show that evaluators do not need to compromise rigor in order to get rich qualitative data that speak to the effects of programs on youth, their attitudes and behaviors, and their communities. This session illustrates innovations in the Most Significant Change methodology and outcome mapping and invites discussion and reflection on the unique ways in which participatory evaluation is both well suited to and poses challenges for evaluating youth programming in international contexts.

#Participatoryvideo #Romania #storytelling #QualitativeMethods #Youth #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #DiversityandInclusion #MostSignificantChange #2012Conference #Moldova #Guatemala #YouthFocusedEvaluation

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Uploaded - 10-29-2012