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Eval12 Session 316: Planning and Conducting Internal Evaluations: Portfolio Review Guidance From CDC, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)  

12-24-2012 16:19

At the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC), scientific programs are required to conduct peer review of all science and research programs funded greater than $150,000 once every five years. Since 2005, NCIPC has conducted eight cross-cutting portfolio reviews to address organizational accountability and program improvement. To address the complexities of evaluation relationships, responsibilities, and relevance, NCIPC recently began writing a guidance document to highlight and standardize project phases, roles, and expectations related to these internal evaluations. NCIPC’s process may serve as a model for other federal programs and organizations seeking to implement and utilize information from internal evaluations. Participants will be invited to review the guidance document and provide feedback on its utility. They will have an opportunity to participate in a discussion about the benefits, challenges, and strategies for cross-collaboration in conducting internal evaluations, and share their own experiences from the public and private sector.

#organizationalevaluations #2012Conference #InternalEvaluation

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Planning and Conducting Internal Evaluations_SLY_10.25.12....pptx   3.68 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-24-2012