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Challenges and Opportunities for Measuring Social Media Efforts in a Networked World Slides from SI10: Keynote 2 

06-29-2010 12:29

Session Description: In a world powered by social media, a new kind of organizational form has developed, the Networked Nonprofit. Allison Fine will describe this new entity and discuss the particular challenges and exciting new opportunities for measuring the use of social media by organizations of all types. We will follow the bouncing ball of new relationships and connections created through social media in order to better understand the ways that digital media are shaping social change efforts.

Allison H. Fine is the founder of Innovation Network, a nonprofit dedicated to transforming evaluation for social change. She is the author of the award-winning book Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age (Jossey - Bass/John Wiley & Sons, 2006) and a senior fellow on the democracy team at Demos: A Network for Change and Action in New York City. In 2008, she published a paper on young people and activism commissioned by The Case Foundation called “ Social Citizens beta ,” and co-edited a collection of essays, Rebooting America: Ideas for Redesigning American Democracy for the Internet Age, published by the Personal Democracy Forum (2008), about transformative ways to reinvent twentyfirst-century democracy using new media tools. Allison hosts a monthly podcast for The Chronicle of Philanthropy called “Social Good ” and writes her own blog, A. Fine Blog. Her newest book, The Networked Nonprofit, with Beth Kanter, is due out in June of 2010 from John Wiley and Sons.

#social #media #SocialNetworkAnalysis #2010Institute

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