Theories of Evaluation TIG Home

Theories of Evaluation Topical Interest Group

Have you ever wondered,
What is evaluation theory?
How do we evaluate evaluation theories?
How does theory impact practice?
How does practice impact theory? 
How can we diversify our theory landscape?

Wherever you are on your journey as an evaluator, if you've asked these questions,
the Theories of Evaluation TIG is the space for you! 


Through collaboration and co-learning, the Theories of Evaluation (ToE) TIG seeks
to facilitate and contribute to the development and refinement of theoretical and
empirical advances and development in Evaluation theories, models, and philosophy.

"... there is nothing so practical as good theory." - Kurt Lewin (1951)

"... there is nothing so theoretical as good practice." - Michael Fullan (2001)

Upcoming Events & Announcements

Mark your calendars!

AEA 2024 proposal due March 22, 2024

AEA 2024: October 21 - 26, 2024 in Portland Oregon