In 2001 the Minnesota Legislature established the Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative mandating the allocation of competitive grants to local programs to close the gap in the health status of African Americans/Africans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Hispanic/Latinos in Minnesota...
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This checklist is a tool to help ensure that the evaluation questions we create will be useful, relevant, and feasible. In keeping with the new accountability standard, it also provides a format for documenting our decisions when selecting evaluation questions. Drawing from an extensive...
Assessing Evaluation Question Checklist cleared.docx
I shared why I love being an internal evaluator at a community-based non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #InternalEvaluation #Ignite #Youth #2012Conference #LatinAmericanYouthCenter ...
This Ignite presentation highlighted how I built relationships with two AEA affiliates, the Eastern Evaluation Research Society and the Washington Evaluators, by volunteering over the past two years. After sharing examples of my responsibilities each affiliate, I shared the top 10 ways that...
This Coffee Break will feature the 2012 Outstanding Evaluation, Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration. The webinar will consist of the award winner giving a brief overview of the evaluation, its outstanding features, and any changes he would have made in hindsight. Find out...
Sensitivity is required when interviewing family members of hospice patients who have died. MassHealth, the Massachusetts Medicaid program, commissioned the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMass) to assess family satisfaction with its hospice benefit. The study effectively identified...
When infrastructure is discussed people tend to the think about the roads and highways they use to get their vehicle from point A to point B. Of course, public health evaluators and researchers have a different understanding of the word, but very few define it the same way. This is problematic...
AEA 2012_Public Health Program Infrastructure and CPPW_10-25-2012.pptx
A roundtable presentation from the October 2012 annual conference. Presentation Abstract: This study analyzed the results of quality of life surveys that were conducted with Money Follows the Person (MFP) program participants prior to transition from a nursing home or intermediate care...
MFP Roundtable Presentation AEA 10.2012.pdf
This paper explores the creation of a set of common indicators to measure a set of National Science Foundation (NSF) alliance programs. It draws from indicator frameworks developed for Broadening Participation and for Informal Science Education and initiates a conversation on reporting similar...
Evaluating Alliance Programs.pdf