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Eval14: Enhancing data visualizations through simple interactivity (DVR2 session at AEA14) 

10-18-2014 12:39

Recently the use of and options for data visualizations in evaluation have grown tremendously. Furthermore, interest in and use of interactive, or dynamic visualizations is on the rise. Many of these interactive approaches are strictly web-based and costly to develop. This presentation highlights one approach to incorporating simple interactivity into data visualizations in electronic portable document files (PDFs) using Adobe software, such as embedding pop-up boxes and show and hide options when a user hovers over text or icons. The approach described by the authors can be applied to many types of data visualizations. The authors provide several examples of embedding interactivity into data visualizations that support different stages of evaluation, including describing the program, data analysis, and communication of findings.

#2014 Conference #eval14 #2014Conference #DataVisualizationandReporting

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Presentation Slides   5.04 MB   1 version
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Presentation Handout   144 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-18-2014
Presentation Handout
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Sample interactive spectrum display   152 KB   1 version
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Sample interactive report   6.72 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-18-2014