Up2Us Sports is a national service program that uses youth based sports as a platform to re-energize economically vulnerable communities. The program's theory of change posits that trained sports coaches are among the most effective role models in the lives of young people. Trained coaches can teach skills that lead to increases in physical activity and positive decision-making. Our evidence-based model, called sports based youth development (SBYD), combines sports coaching and mentoring with positive youth development methodology to address some of the most persistent epidemics facing youth in urban communities across the United States.
This study is being conducted in the second year of a 3-year grant cycle for the Up2Us Sports Americorps Coach program.
The study’s main objectives are:
1. To understand the effect of participation in Up2Us Sports activities on youth outcomes such as leadership and like skills, attitudes toward and frequency of physical activity, and positive relationship between participants and coaches.
2. Gathering data from educators and parents/guardians on their perception of behavioral changes among youth who participate in Up2Us Sports activities.
The study team will undertake consultation with the Up2Us Sports Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) team at the commencement of the project to further refine the study questions.
Hi Scott,
Would it be possible to have a few more details and perhaps a link to the RFP document?